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Happy Sunday everyone!!

Sya baru saja selesai pergi gym . So mostly every TUESDAY , WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY sya akan pergi ke gym

Its my first year going to the gym . Alhamdulillah i am adjusting well . Before this Sya macam malu malu nak pergi gym cause i thought that gym is a place only for men !!

Since Sya ni kekononnya pemalu orangnya i decided to not go there . One fine day, i thought of loosing some weight and i wanna be fit

Nak pergi jog malas. So saja survey survey masa bulan puasa with my sister tanya dekat this one famous gym in Kulim.

Dia agak mahal tapi disebabkan gym ni besar and the equipment pon okay . So it should be okay lah kan

Ni lah gym yang sya g . Besar kan ? Gym paling besar kat Kulim

So when i was in there , receptionist dia very helpful and nice . Still young and she explained to us bout all the packages that they have

Yang paling menarik minat Sya is dorang ada kelas zumba , aerodance , hiit , yoga ! So kitorang pon macam excited lah cause ingatkan kat Kulim ni takda aktiviti aktiviti gitu pon ehehe

But fortunately banyak je kitorang je tak tau weyyy 😅😅😅

Lepas je dia explain everything and bawak kitorang tengok gym tu i was quite interested sebab gym tu besar and dia tak da lah compact sangat

Ada compartment yang macam laki banyak spent area sini perempuan area sini . Nice kan takda lah malu malu gitu 😍😍Hehe .

So lepas je survey kitorang pon balik lah

The next month after raya baru kitorang g !! Just santai santai pergi untuk cuba for 1 day dulu then baru kitorang decide whether nak amik package or tidak.

Masa tu hari selasa and dorang ckp “ malam ni ada kelas aerodance boleh lah join dlu “

So Sya and adek Sya join . Ya Allah wey it was so good ! Kelas sangat happening and the trainer was definitely one of the best trainers i’ve ever met

Ahahah . Over kan ! Tapi serious kak norli best gila . I can say that she is the reason why i go to the gym

Kak Norli yang sebelah kanan Sya . She is such a good dancer !!!

So far kelas dia tak pernah mengecewakan . Since sya pon memang suka menari , i just enjoy every single step yang dia buat

Tahun 2017 dah nak habis. Cepatnya masa berlalu. I am planning to be more discipline during 2018

2018 gonna be much more healthier and fit !! I believe that if i continuously follow all the class and jaga makan , living in a healthy lifestyle

I can get my ideal weight and the most important is nak sihat And not to forget i use Shaklee supplements for throughout my day. I could feel the difference before taking them and after.

I was in a great mood . It’s so good . Sya percaya taking enough nutrients is super important to health

Sebab tu supplement kena ada . Yang penting jangan terlalu overdose and take it lightly

Yang penting istiqamah then we all will be in a great condition

This picture was taken after raya ! Ahaha gemuk kan . Masa ni around 72kg . Phewww 🤪🤪

I need to lose at least 10kg-15kg💪🏻

Segalanya possible if you do it correctly! Paling penting is to balance your diet

So during all this fit journey my favourite drink is gonna be ESP

ESP ni femess gilaa tau

Esp ni protein Shake ! Bantu bagi tenaga and mengenyangkan jugak . I realise bila Sya makan Esp je Sya akan rasa cepat kenyang

Makan pon semua dalam kuantiti yang sikit ! Dapat lose weight dan cantikkan kulit hanya dgn amalkan ESP setiap hari tau

So let’s stay healthy okay ?? Nothing is impossible

So after a few weeks joining all the class . Not bad kan ada lah lost some weight skit !!

Hehe . 2018 kita do better

jangan malu kalau nak bertanya dengan Sya, cuma whatsapp ja k

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