best customer service experience

The Best Customer Service Experience In Your Hand

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  • Post last modified:November 6, 2020
  • Reading time:5 mins read
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korang pernah tak pergi kedai, then owner kedai bagi layanan special kat korang? its the best customer service experience we can get form the owner of any kind of shop.

Kalau sesiapa yang duduk berdekatan atau kerap keluar masuk tol Simpang Ampat menghala ke Melaka akan perasan satu kedai end lot warna hijau nama Umi Jelawang.

Dulu kedai tu antara kedai yang top kat situ, namun lepas ada development shop lot kat kawasan sekitar tu, kedai tu little bit tenggelam.

Thats not the case here, masa belajar kat Melaka dulu kami selalu pergi kedai Umi Jelawang.

best customer service experience

Mula kenal dengan Umi when’s satu malam tu i had bad flu that forced me to keluar cari hot soup untuk heat up badan. Since that time dah dekat jam 12 and tak banyak kedai yang buka. Lucky kedai Umi tu buka till late night, so i went there.

First time kami makan soup ekor and fall in love ever since. From that moment Umi Jelawang is one of our favourite spot for having dinner, meeting friends and lot more.

Disebabkan Umi friendly tambahan pula kami selalu makan at her shop, she often give us SPECIAL TREATMENT , sometimes she called us by our name. “Hi Sya, harini nak makan apa?” Punya la baik layanan dia dengan kami.

when we know we get the best customer service experience?

Her daughter Rosila ada tinggalkan her phone number to us, so that kami boleh order makan or reserve meja makan in advance!! This is very usefull bila nak book makan time buka puasa, maklumlah kedai Hot macam ni selalu penuh time buka puasa.


We got PRIVILEGES untuk buat reservation. Sometimes dia dah boleh agak kami nak order apa since she know our favourites.

However thats a long time ago, dah 4-5 tahun we left campus, walaubagaimanapon kalau kami lalu Simpang Ampat , we will singgah kedai to visit her. Yet till now she still recognise us and give us special treatment 😅.

what you get for bein our best client?

for sure we will give top priority to any of your order list, sometimes kalau dah habis stock pon kami akan dulukan our best customer dulu, that how we do to give the best customer service experience to you.

Same goes to all our clients, ada yang dah consume berbotol botol Shaklee and get all supplements benefit from us. How we appreciate our valued client? By giving them opportunity to join our team.

What benefit yang kita boleh dapat bila join membership Shaklee? For sure harga belian lagi murah ! Kat situ dah dapat jimat up to 20% 🤑 kalau pengguna tegar macam kami, memang kami galakkan korang untuk join kami.

Another benefit yang korang boleh dapat are bonus bulanan yang bersepah sepah! Kadang bonus tak disangka sangka yang masuk dalam account tiap bulan.

Kalau nak di senaraikan bonus Shaklee ni memang banyak, in summary : personal bonus, net personal bonus, leadership bonus, car bonus, coordinator incentive, master incentive and lot more!

Thus among special treatments yang korang boleh dapat as regular customer Sya and be part of our team.

So, kalau korang dah selalu gunakan product Shaklee, boleh ringankan tangan untuk click sini and have FREE consultancy dengan Sya.

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Jangan tunggu lama k, who want to get the best customer service experience cepat Share post ni dengan family and friends. Bia sama sama dapat benefit healthy and wealthy dengan kami 🤗

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