Site icon Sya Madeena


I remember back then , masa memula Sya start jual Shaklee Sya tak pernah berangan everybody would recognise me.

Because Sya jenis pemalu .Then i realised, macam mana nak jual something kalau orang tak kenal?

We started with Sya De Beauty, thats our first commercial name. Unfortunately takda sapa pon tegur Sya at that time ! Ahaha.. Few years guna nama tu than we rebrand to Sya Madeena.

Sya teruskan sharing all the benefit and inform semua orang yang SYA MADEENA is a SID SHAKLEE ! Proudly 😘😘

Cause bagi Sya senang la bila dorang dah kenal and tahu apa kita buat it will be easy to start a conversation with them

Boleh direct bg kad bisnes and explain a lil bit bout the product

Mana tahu ada rezeki dapat closed deal kat situ 🤩🤩

Apa saja yang kita buat it takes time

Panjat je tangga tu walaupun takda sapa support kita !

Do something .Cari alternatif lain so that one fine day dorang akan kenal sapa kita

And today i can see lot of improvement . Seronok cause ramai yang dah kenal Sya, my contact list dah ada almost 4k contact number!!

Funny story, bila jalan jalan kat campus, people call me by name “Madeena”, and selalu juga orang start conversation whatsapp dengan “hi Madeena”,

And they-also call me as “tokey Shaklee “ panggilan tu melekat kat mana saja sya pergi🤪🤪

Nama tu adalah doa kita hari hari. Kalau baik nama tu, its represent who you are. Sebelum orang label Sya as nama yang bukan bukan, better i educate depa to call me as u want 😘

But it feels good ! Rasa macam satu kepuasan . Rasa macam apa yang Sya buat selama ni dah nampak hasil dia

And the best part is Sya jugak dah berjaya “Shaklee” kan kawan kawan Sya

Dari seorang kawan dorang dah start jadi customer Sya . Very supportive and dorang sendiri admit bagusnya Shaklee ni !

Kalau kita sebut Naelofar terus teringat Neelofa

Kalau kita sebut dUckScarf terus teringat Vivy Yusof

Sya nak kalau sebut Shaklee terus teringat Sya Madeena !

So korang kalau ingat Shaklee ingat sapa ??? Please make sure its me SYA MADEENA YANG CANTIK 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Ada nak order Shaklee tak dengan Sya ??

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