Learn and understand each others.

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  • Post last modified:February 13, 2021
  • Reading time:3 mins read
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Salam and a good weekend,

rasa terubat sikit bila dapat respond dari orang yang ada title Doctor, almaklumlah, kita ni mana ada title Dr kat depan, so tak ramai yang nak percaya apa yang kita share.

ada yang lekeh lekehkan lagi ada.

tapi tak mengapalah, mungkin title Dr, MD tu ada darjat dia sendiri, so let it be k.

yang ada dalam team Shaklee ni sendiri cuma ada non-practitioner doctor, Engineer, biochemist, biotech, Environmentalist, accountant, business person and others ja, tak ada lah professional mana.

maybe topic, mass transfer, enzyme reaction, pharmaceutical, fluid mechanics,bioprocess, fermentation, food study and other related study have different approach on healthy lifestyle.

just remember, semua orang ada opinion mereka sendiri, its base on what they study and understand, kalau yang tak faham tu kita boleh duduk sembang sembang share our experience.

so tak perlulah nak totally disagree, reject and bash one another.

teringat lagi masa belajar dulu, my lecturer ada pesan, kalau diikutkan market pekerjaan, sector biotech kat negara maju semua depa can generate more income compared yang ada title Dr., sebab depa have latest tech to improve our life.

tak kisah la dalam bidang farmaceutical, food industries, farming and many more. they keep invent and promote for better lifestyle.

both ada priority towards healthy community, tak kesah la ampa belajar kat mana, please do respect others too. yang ada ni bukan takat sembang kosong ja.

so tak salah untuk kita understand and learn form them.

so who with me?


your lovely,

ps; dulu tok nenek kita pon dah start guna traditional medicine from herbs and natural resources called jamu as supplements. why we wont improvise?

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