New Diapers For More Absorbent – Huggies

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  • Post last modified:June 4, 2021
  • Reading time:2 mins read
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sebelum ni memang kami praise MamyPoko sebab comfy, tak merah dan tak leaking, that way before we introduce Yusuf dengan food. CUkup Umur Yusuf 6 bulan, kami change bit his feeding routine ada food and plain water, then sejak tu diapers kerap leaking bila bangun pagi.

then we try new brand to find which best for him, guess what, first time try Huggies memang rasa sceptical sebab cawat dia pendek dan structure dia macam kurang meyakinkan, sebab nipis dan ehh banyak la nak complain, we discussed each others, eh dia ni macam tak best ja, xpa la kita habiskan juga sebab ada 72 piece dalam satu pack.

which dalam mamypoko cuma ada 54 piece ja, ada extra 18 keping to extend for few days, so kami decide nak change to Huggies, sebab dia kata ada 1000 super absorbent holes, plus harga relatively cheap compared to mamypoko, sebab Yusuf dah makan banyak!

kalau korang pernah guna Huggies ni, boleh bagi imput sikit x keberkesanan dia dalam absorb all liquid dimalam hari

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