Sparring Partner

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  • Post last modified:January 30, 2021
  • Reading time:5 mins read
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kami percaya ramai kat luar sana ada dreams to success, tak kira lah kecil mana atau besar mana, its still a dream as long you keep it in your mind.  

i would said semua angan angan kita tu adalah boleh direalisasikan, boleh dilaksanakan, sebab kalau tak, its out of our thinking range untuk fikir and have that dream.  

banyak cerita success story yang kita baca bermula dengan small dream and they started with a small steps, sampailah nama jadi besar dan gah.   same goes to us buat la macam macam untuk realised the dream, ramai yang berjaya, ramai yang dah capai satu tahap then they become stagnent tak bergerak kedepan, tak kurang juga yang tersangkut and fall down   dalam banyak banyak case yang kami nampak, adalah berpunca dari DEMOTIVATED, tak ada semangat nak bangun untuk terus membesar. kadang kalau dah mula dapat 4 angka dalam sale terus rasa berpuas hati. being in confort zone.  

dream to be a millionaire tapi stop at thousand-aire hahahaha macam x kena   its ok, sebab dalam apa yang kta buat sebenarnya perlukan catalysis, benda ni adalah perangsang untuk kita terus keep up on moving towards our aim.  

dalam business biasanya orang akan cakap money is your aim, its your catalyst. some said power is your goal, its your target.  

but for us, we need something stonger,  

sometimes kalau ada duit banyak pon live gonna be soo boring, thats make your progress stagnant atau mendatar tak bergerak.  

sometimes kalau ada kuasa banyak pon , buatkan kita jadi malas and sama as before, stagnant.  

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what we need to move faster, keep rolling and make the things done faster is a SPARRING PARTNER!  

this remind me to our childhood dulu kat sekolah menengah, masa belajar subject math, which at that time everyone hate math sebab banyak case problem solving.  

ramai yang sangkut atau memang lost interest terus dengan that subject.   at that time i have one buddy, we are keep working together on the math subject and beat each other during quizzes, test and assignment.  

then times goes by and one day kami sedar we’re on the top of the school score board. starting by just as suka suka challenge each others, then its went to top of the school.  

same goes to business, kalau kita nak berjaya, we need to have this kind of relationship with our team, be their sparing buddy jadikan depa as your punching bag, train with them, solve problem together, challenge each others!  

the concept is still the same, they’re your catalyst, without a good team, your gonna loose your focus. then bila ada masalah baru nak kedek kedek buat betul betul, hilang consistency tu.  

one of the beauty of working in Shaklee business i can see, you can have everyone in #ShakleeCommunity as your sparing buddy, boleh across the network, tak kesah la kalau korang ada kat bawah, atau kat atas, kat tepi wing mana sekalipon.  

what you can do is work out your team and challenge others team. just bare in mind, its a healthy competition, fair and square.  

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this is what we do in our team, tak kesah la hang kat pangkat apa, atau pon rank apa, bonus berapa besar, but interm of growth, we’ll challenge each others, sebab we want everyone have the sense of satisfaction achieving success.  

so, now im looking at you! we’re offering you to be our sparring partner! achieving our goal together and keep growing!

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